Monday, October 31, 2011

my beautiful paperwhites from trader joe's

It was a snowy morning in October. I woke up to beautiful paperwhites abloom in my milk glass vase. I bought my paperwhites at Trader Joe's for only $4.99. I'm going to buy some more and add them to my milk glass and let them bloom all winter long.
*A blooming tip: Last year's article in Yankee Magazine said to add a 1/2 shot glass of gin to a cup of water when they are up about 3". It will stunt their growth and make them not "as leggy."


  1. Thanks for the tip....I've always wondered what the 'secret' is for shorter stems.
    Happy Holidays,

  2. Adding gin to anything is usually a win-win! Beautiful flowers!!

  3. OOH I like that idea blooming flowers all winter! I will have to check out my Trader Joe's and see if they have any.

    :-} Hugs

  4. Beautiful..I love paperwhites and I love Trader Joe' looks so lovely in the window with the snow in the back..I think we are in for one heck of a winter...Brrr!!!
    Have a great weekend Alyssa...

  5. I'm a huge Trader Joe's fan. They have the best food and flowers and great prices. Your flowers look gorgeous with the snow. Absolutely gorgeous! Is the snow still there?


I read every sweet comment and thank you for enjoying boston bee. health, love, creativity, and happiness to you ;)Alyssa