Monday, December 27, 2010

the color palette

As I am looking around my home during the blizzard, I'm thinking of the colors that are in my home. I'm enjoying my bright and cheery cottage home where you can hear the sound of a boy and his little puppy running around, the crackling of wood in the fire, and the laughter of a man and a woman who are constantly cracking jokes with each other and giving squeeze hugs like a great aunt! All the while keeping a home that is vintage and pretty with mixes of florals and plaids and stripes. So I digress, I began thinking of my colors and how I relate everything to food or plants. It figures!

Kitchen and Bathroom: Soft Butter 

Dining Area, Hallway: Celery, which it is actually much lighter than the stalk above.

Living Room, Will's Room: Vanilla Ice Cream

Writing and Reading Room: Blueberry

Master Bedroom: Soft Lavender

What's your favorite color(s)?


  1. I love ice cream colors....vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. I have lots of soft yellow in my home. I love it.....everything looks good with it. BUT, I am not a decorator but a collector. Happy
    New YEar.

  2. Hi Alyssa ~ hope you are weathering the storm well!!

    I like the way you think! Most of my home is creamy vanilla with some blueberry in the master and kitchen, cappucino in my son's room, salmon in my daughter's room with a touch of sea glass in the bath!

    Happy shoveling!

  3. You two are great! I love the descriptions. I'm a collector to Debby ;)

  4. Your home sounds good enough to eat..xx


I read every sweet comment and thank you for enjoying boston bee. health, love, creativity, and happiness to you ;)Alyssa